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We are Open! Please Read our Safety Procedures

Due to a high call volume we request that everyone read the below FAQ's before booking or calling the golf shop. Please note that all our actions during this time are entirely based on safety. We appreciate your patience, cooperation and respect as this allows us to remain open and offer a safe experience for both our guests and staff.

1. Do you have tee times available?
Yes, please view our online booking engine to view available tee times and to book.

2. Are you allowing carts?
Yes, carts are available on a first come first served basis.

3. Is the driving range or practice facilities open?
Yes, driving range and practice facility are open with no restrictions.

4. Is the clubhouse serving food?
We are serving a very limited food selection and that may change throughout this process.

5. Can we bring our own beer or food?
Absolutely no outside food or alcohol is allowed on property. You will be asked to leave if you bring any.

6. What merchandise is available for purchase?
All golf merchandise (apparel, balls, tees, gloves, and hats) are available to purchase.

7. What are our safety procedures and what can you expect when you are on site?
Please read our Safety Procedures here

8. Can I use a Groupon?
No, we are temporarily not allowing Groupons to be redeemed at this time.

9. Are Youth on Course or Kids Play Free rounds accepted right now?
Yes, we are doing Youth on Course.

10. Can I use a gift card, gift of golf voucher, rain check or other discount to pay for my round?
No, we are temporarily not accepting any of these forms of payment. We will extend gift of golfer vouchers to June 20th, 2020.

11. How do I cancel my tee time and get a refund?
If you booked it through our website please log in to your account and cancel. If you booked directly through GolfNow please go to their website and cancel. If those options are not possible, or you run into an issue please email info@centennialparkmunster.com with the name, date and time of reservation. Refunds are not instantaneous and will take at least 5 business days to occur.

12. Do I have to follow all rules regarding distancing, closures and occupancy?
Yes, all rules, including but not limited to social distancing, are non-negotiable. If you do not follow the rules you will be asked to leave the property. Compliance is mandatory. We are very serious about safety and no exceptions will be made.

Centennial Park Golf Course in Munser, IN
Book A Tee Time
Guaranteed best online rates for Centennial Park when you book direct with us below!